Melrose Village Neighborhood Alliance
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Ready Your LA Neighborhood "RYLAN"
Click on the text above to be taken to the RYLAN website where you can find FREE resources and learn more about the City of Los Angeles Emergency Management Department (EMD)
You can also reach out to Matt Tallmer, our local C-PAB Emergency Preparedness Committee Chair for FREE information! Email Matt at
The Ready Your LA Neighborhood (RYLAN) Program is designed to help you, your family and your neighborhood prepare for a disaster. There are a variety of things you can do to increase your readiness. The program provides you with tools to prepare and organize your neighborhood to respond together in that first hour after a disaster to reduce injuries, protect your property, the environment and most importantly, to save lives.
LAPD Wilshire Station ~ Contact Information
Phones and Emails
CALL: West Traffic Division
(213) 473-0222
ask for the "Street Racing Taskforce"
C-PAB (Community - Police Advisory Board)
Meets the 3rd Wednesday of every month at 6:30 p.m. This is a great place to listen to your police officers discussing issues with the community advisory board. You may even be given the chance to raise your hand and speak on an issue.
Meetings are held at the LAPD Wilshire Station
4861 W. Venice Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90019